& cannot remain silent”
-Victor Hugo
I would like to think that I communicate in several different languages, and I'd like to think of music being one of them. In no way am I a professional, or even the best thing you've ever heard. Since the age of 12, I've carried a huge passion for communicating through music. It wasn't until that age, that I was able to develop an appreciation of what it meant to write and play music. Since then, it's been an aspect of my life that has defined who I am.
It was one of my goals for this year to write more music and play more shows. I believe it will happen. I'm slowly forcing myself back to those roots. I dusted off my keyboard, and began writing the other day. I enjoy those moments where nothing else seems to matter, and nothing completely makes sense, but things come out of no where, and it's experimental. It's music. It makes my soul move. So, if you remember to ask me when you see me next, feel free to ask how my music is coming along. I need the accountability to do this.
My friend Sean showed me this band called Angus & Julia Stone last week, and I've been borderline obsessed ever since. Let me warn you by saying, they are very unique. I won't be offended if you don't like it, but I do hope you can at least appreciate their musicianship.
I was looking through some youtube videos of theirs, and came across this video. They do an acoustic cover of "You're the one that I want" from Grease. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
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