God knows something you don't know...
He knows all the facts - All the facts about your situation.
At best you know relatively few facts regarding yourself.
God sees the whole picture - past, present & future.
You're in the middle -
He views from the outside - with transcendent wisdom.
He knows you in the total context of your life.
He knows you from top to bottom - inside and out.
Your future is as plain to Him as your past.
As no sparrow can fall to the ground without His knowledge,
So He is aware of every microscopic detail of your existence.
Even "the hairs of your head are numbered," Jesus said.
& He loves you! With an everlasting love,
an unquenchable love, an unremitting, unchanging love.
Of course you have sinned - & failed - & vacillated.
But His love is infinitely greater than your weakness.
Commit your way to the One who will guide you according to all the facts.
Nothing would please Him more.
I found this memo of encouragement just simply browsing the Internet in researching the scripture Isaiah 55:8-9, which says,
For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways
& My thoughts than your thoughts.
I am so grateful for this verse. In the midst of uncertainty & even slight doubt, God's Word breathes so clearly.
I am finding that in my life I am constantly searching for direction for my next step. Whether that be a big step, or even a small step. I strive to live day in & day out ultimately for the glorification of my God. Although I strive for this, the reality of it all is that I often fail. The beauty in that is that there is grace & learning that comes as a result. I feel the Lord is bringing me out of a uneasy state & slowly, but surely, guiding me to a state of peace & joy. This is what gets me up everyday; this is what keeps me going. Even in my darkest of moments, there is always a glimpse of light & hope. Friends, we must always focus on that light. Jesus never promised an easy life as believers, but He always promises to be faithful & He promises to be a consistent Father. The trials we face have purpose. They serve not only to make us stronger in the end, but also to be a testimony to someone else. Therefore, we must push through with the confidence that God will pull us through everything we face. We may not have all the answers, & frankly, I am grateful for that. The great blessing is that, as it says in Isaiah, "His ways are higher than ours". I've always believed this, but I feel convicted to really start living this out in my life. We must fully surrender everything to Him, & believe that His way is best; that He has a perfect plan for all that we go through. If we fully lived this out, how much better would our lives look?
I say all of this to you because I too need to live this out more.
I hope you all can be encouraged. I pray that we would all live this out & truly believe He will take care of us & bring us out of our darkness, in His own timing. If any of you are going through a rough patch in your life, I encourage you to not pray to be taken out of it, instead pray how God can teach you while you are in the midst of it & how He can grow & stretch you.
You are where you are right now for a purpose, don't try to find all of the answers, don't try to run away from it- embrace it, & gain wisdom from it. These moments are what make you who you are, & they will be a testament to God's sovereignty & faithfulness.
Be blessed.
& more than ever before,
Keep fighting the Good Fight.
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