inspire |inˈspīr|
verb [ trans. ]
Fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative
What inspires you? What is it in this life that motivates you to move; to act? For me personally, I have a range of answers. Jesus & His flawless Word. Music - the harmonies, melodies, lyrics, & performance; all encompassing. Friends. Family. Random acts of kindness. My list goes on & on.
I want to shine some light on something, more like someone(s) who have truly inspired me to fight harder, & strive more, each day. This group of people, are some of the most passionate, humble, kind-hearted people, I've ever met.
Meet the Fall 2010 LiNK Nomads.
I've had the honor to work for the non-profit organization, LiNK, or Liberty in North Korea, since the spring of 2009, where I first came on as a LiNK Nomad. Ever since then, my life has been radically changed. I continued to work as an intern for LiNK over the years, & as of June 2010, I came on full time as a Regional Manager. I am so blessed to work in an environment where I am surrounded by individuals who are dedicated to seeing freedom come for others, & who continually put others first. Being a Regional Manager was something that initially intimidated me. However, with many words of encouragement, & following in the footsteps of two phenomenal RM's, I have found that it is no longer intimidating, but motivating. Everyday, I am reminded by our incredible Nomads, why I do what I do & why at the end of the day, it is all worth it.
Over the last few weeks, I had the opportunity to fly out to visit our Southeast & West Coast Nomad teams. On these trips, I was asked to observe, critique & 'refuel' the Nomads. They have all reached the half way point on a ten week national tour. Needless to say, they are exhausted. I went out on these team visits with a mission, yet I was the one who returned home being blown away & inspired. Here I am thinking, I'm going to go out there & teach and inspire these hard working individuals. I was wrong. I am humbled by the sacrifices each of these Nomads have made. They each have a unique & beautiful story. They are all so different from one another, yet are bound together by the common thread of fighting to see liberty come to the North Korean people.
Being surrounded by these Nomads reminds me that there is purpose, & that there is hope. They are simple, young, passionate individuals who have sacrificed a semester of their lives to be a Storyteller for the people in NK who have no voice, & for the 300,000 NK Refugees living in Hiding in China, who also don't have a voice. I am amazed by our Nomads.
To our Nomads, please know that your work does not go unnoticed. You are vital to the work we are doing as an organization, & without all of the hard work you put in, we would not be where we are today. To our Nomad Alumni, thank you for setting the path for our current Nomads. To our future Nomads, you have huge shoes to fill, but LiNK is ready to meet you & welcome you to our family!
If you are interested in seeing what life on the road is like, traveling on behalf of an urgent cause, please contact me :
What inspires you? Maybe it's not this cause, maybe it's not the same as the answer I gave above. Whatever it is, fuel it. If you are not being inspired to live for something bigger than yourself, then I ask what is the purpose of living?
Chase inspiration - full speed.
As always,
Keep fighting the Good Fight.
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