Today has been a wonderful Saturday, so far. I woke up & my mama made me a great cup of coffee which went wonderful with my morning devotion. I finished reading through the book of Hosea. If you haven't read it yet, you should! The sermon that was preached at Rock Harbor Fullerton last Sunday night had touched on Hosea, which made me intrigued to read it, & I am glad that I did. Reading through Hosea was interesting because it just seemed to be downfall after downfall until the end. It's an awesome reminder of how faithful God is, even when we don't deserve it. I loved this verse the most,
Come, let us return to the Lord;
for He has torn us, that He may heal us;
He has struck us down, & He will bind us up
-Hosea 6:1
After all of that, I decided to go on a bike ride! Lately, I have been going with Al, but today I was solo. It was such a beautiful day, I had to be outside. I love the sun! I rode around 10 miles; just me, some great music, & the sun. Can't complain! I took a little break at the El Doradoo Park duck pond & people watched haha. Then, I got hungry along the way, so I went into Fresh & Easy to get an orange, water & a fruit snack. Then took the longer way home. It was so beautiful. I swear, life looks so much better when you are riding a bike. You aren't moving too slow, & definitely not too fast. You get an interesting perspective on the things around you. I love it. I hope I keep it up. & Thanks to Becky for letting me borrow her awesome bike! <3
I am really excited about life right now. We've got to take in the good moments so we can persavere through the hard times. I am definitely at an interesting point in my life right now, but I know & trust that the Lord is taking care of me & that He has big plans for me. I just throw my hands up in the air & surrender to His will, because I have learned (the hard way) that my way leads me only to pain & destruction. No thanks! haha.
I hope you all had/have a wonderful Saturday! Go outside, take it all in.
I am Yours, do what You wish
I am yours, I am yours & I know this
Whatever happens next is in Your hands, in Your plans
Nothing less
In everything there is a choice
Through the joy,
through the pain,
I will rejoice
I am Yours, do what You wish
I am Yours, I am Yours & I know this
Save me, cuz I need it
& I can't help but feel desperate
My desires seem to be coming to their endings
But I will trust it's not the end,
But a great beginning
...Keep fighting the good fight.
Do you not write anymore??? :(