If thou desirest Christ for a perpetual guest, give Him all the keys of thine heart; let not one cabinet be locked up from Him; give Him the range of every room, & the key of every chamber; thus you will constrain Him to remain.
-Charles Spurgeon
The beauty of being a follower of Christ & fully trusting that His divine power is so much greater than ours, is that we have a security in always being taken care of.
My life in the last year has been one that is unpredictable, heartbreaking, stretching, joyous, & mind opening. I count my experiences as both blessings & life lessons. I am so grateful to the Lord for remaining so faithful even when I am far from it. His grace surely covers all.
I have begun to truly appreciate the place in life God has me in. I've learned that being transformed by God means letting go of my desires & my will, & placing my entire life in the hands of the Father; allowing Him to lead me in the path He desires for me. God has chosen to work in my life, & I am humbly responding.
My life is taking an interesting turn, one that I was not expecting whatsoever. While being on a mini-tour for LiNK in April, I applied for a full-time position at LiNK as Regional Manager. After applying & interviewing, I was asked to come on board as staff. I accepted! I am really excited & also nervous, because I am about to embark on such a different adventure, however I am confident it is entirely of the Lord, considering how it all came about. I am really looking forward to see how everything begins to pan out in the next few months.
I am seriously so blessed in my life, but it is so easy to forget that & to miscount all that we have. One thing I do know, is that sincerely surrendering your complete self to Christ is the most beautiful & courageous thing one can do. It is a decision I would never take back, & it is one that I will continue returning to, even when I feel I've slipped away. His love is perfect & unconditional. Basic truths, yet so life altering.
Keep fighting the good fight.
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