bucket list: updates & progress
It's been a year since I wrote a blog post about my Bucket List. I thought it would be fun & motivating if I revisited it. I was surprised that although I may not have accomplished a lot of these things, I have started the process of several of them! I figured it would be good to edit my Bucket List with my progress!
bucket list #14 |
bucket list #17 |
bucket list #31 |
Write a Bucket List 7/26/2013
- Bungee jump
- Skydive
- Visit every state in the USA
See Death Cab For Cutie live 7/12/2015
- Publish a book, &/or a piece of my writing
- Have complete tattoo sleeves on both arms & have both of my thighs done
- Go in a hot air balloon
- Learn to sew
- Travel the country in an RV with my husband (& kids, if applicable)
- Eat pizza in Italy
- Drink Framboise in Belgium
- Get over my fear of the ocean
- Take up photography as a hobby 12/25/2013 Jamey bought me a Diana Camera. I've been taking it with me on our trips to capture photos unique way. I want to make it more of a hobby though!
- Spin a globe, point my finger & travel to the place I've landed on
Have a pen pal I can't remember when we exactly became pen-pals, but my beautiful friend Leah & I starting writing each other last year. We worked very closely together at LiNK, and now she lives in NY. I love being able to write each other and keep in touch!
Go to a shooting range 11/30/2013 We visited Jamey's family in Little Rock, Arkansas for Thanksgiving. His Uncle Jim took us all to a shooting range, and we shot clay pigeons!
- Hang glide
- Spend New Year's Eve in Times Square
- Raise a family
- Climb Half Dome (Yosemite)
- Be a professional Blogger
Go on a cruise 1/14/2016
- Go to Israel, and walk where Jesus walked
- Live in another state
- Go sailing
- Climb up the Statue of Liberty
- Graduate from College I'm very far from taking this off of my bucket list, but I am going back to school this fall & I am very excited about it!
- Learn to make candles &/or soap
- Learn to garden
Eat a meal & talk about life with my favorite author, Shauna Niequist 11/23/2013 This didn't "technically" happen, but I did attend a women's event where we had a meal, and Shauna spoke. Afterwards, I got her to sign my Bread & Wine book, and we chatted for a few minutes. I'm pretty sure that's the closest I'll ever get to scratching this off of my bucket list.
- Retire comfortably 7/31/2013 On my one year anniversary at Biola, I was able to sign up for a 403b (equivalent to 401k). I committed to putting away 5% of each paycheck into my 403b. The best blessing is that Biola matches 8% of my 5%. One of the best decisions I've made!
- Have an all-natural, at home (or birth center) delivery
- Have a home with a wrap around porch
- See the Northern Lights in Iceland
- See one of my favorite bands from backstage/side stage
- Have a White Christmas
- Go to Ireland for St. Patrick's Day
- Be fluent in American Sign Language
- Visit where my ancestors are from in Romania
- Plant an Avocado Tree
Yay for getting some of this done!! We should find a time to make soap/candles. I've always wanted to and it would be fun to do together :)
ReplyDeleteYes! I remember you saying that when I originally posted this. Let's do it! I don't even know where to get started. I wonder which one would be easier??