I think one of my favorite things about my New Years was reading everyone's status updates and blogs about how excited they are for 2011. I am definitely in that same boat. 2010 was a rather rough year for me. I dealt with a lot of transitional seasons; some good, some not so great. I felt like the last few months of 2010 I was just eagerly waiting for the calendar to hit January 1st so that I could have an excuse to change; to start over. Isn't it funny how we do that? Oh well, I will roll with it.
So goodbye 2010. I didn't like you all that much, but you taught me more than I thought I could ever learn, and probably more than I wanted to learn. And for that, I am grateful. Here are some moments of 2010 that I don't ever want to forget. Enjoy!
In January, we started off the year with the celebration of my best friend, Becky's 23rd birthday! It definitely caused for a photo shoot. (Photo Credit: Sarah Lower)

February is kind of a blur to me. To be honest, all of 2010 is a blur to me. Which is another reason why I am writing this blog - to not forget the major memories. I don't have a photo for this month, but I do remember that my relationship with the Lord really began to take a shift in the best way possible. I was jobless, poor, single, and broken as can be - but it was in that place, that I began to rely on Him so much more. I can see now that He provided for me in more ways than I could have imagined. Thank You, Jesus and thank you, February!
In March I went with a few of my friends to see Copeland in Pomona at The Glasshouse. I have to say this was a bittersweet night. I've seen Copeland about 13, maybe 14 times, but this was their farewell tour. It was more than great, it was an experience. I admire Copeland for so many reasons, but one of my favorite things about them is the fact that I've been following them since I was in 10th grade, and they've never disappointed me.

One of my favorite nights of 2010 was in the beginning of April. I am so blessed to have a large, extended group of brothers and sisters in my life, who have been there for me since I was 16. We all grew up in the our home church together, in Fullerton, and then we continued to grow together as adults in a young adults group called The Continuum. In 2009, The Continuum ceased to exist, which was really hard to deal with. But, I am so glad that we were all able to come together for a mini reunion in 2010.

Another highlight in April was going on a mini tour for LiNK (the non profit I work for). I have been on tour for LiNK before, but this was something I was really looking forward to, because I'd be traveling for 3 weeks, in the South (come on now) and with two of my great friends: Chris and Julie. To this very day, Chris and I can't have one conversation without reminiscing that tour.

May was a very intense month, not only for me, but for some of my closest friends. My best friend, Becky, spent 9 months by her mother's side as she witnessed her battle cancer. Karen, Becky's beautiful mother, was a fighter. She kept her spirits higher than you'd imagine, and she loved her children so much. I am so grateful that I was able to know her mother. On May 5th, 2010, the Lord took His daughter, Karen, to be Home with Him. I will never forget that morning, and the days leading up to it. Death is never easy, and at most moments, I didn't have anything adequate to say to my best friend. But, I learned something very valuable in this time. When you don't know what to say, it's best to just be there. Sit there. Lay there. Just be.
Our friends all gathered around Becky in this time, as if she were a sister to all of us. This photo was taken at our home church (with the same people we all grew up with) on the day of Karen's funeral.

June was my "transitional month". After being unemployed for 5 months, I finally got a full-time job (Praise God!). The best part is it was with LiNK. An amazing non-profit organization I had been interning/volunteering for over a year and a half. I signed an 18 month contract with them as a Regional Manager. I love my job. I love the people I work with. I am beyond blessed.

July! This is my favorite month. Mainly because it's my birthday, but also because it's summer, sunny and hot. I just love all of these things. Mark my words, I will definitely be getting married in July. It's just the greatest :) Two great things happened in July. Fourth of July and my 23rd birthday. The 4th is always a big celebration within our community. We always gather at someone's house, play music, eat, set off fireworks, and of course, danceee. It's one of my favorite holidays.

My birthday was a success. Actually, that is an understatement. Just when I thought my birthday couldn't get any better, this year my friends blew me away. They worked SO hard on throwing me the best surprise party. Ever. I actually don't have any pictures from that night, but they are all in my heart. I actually wrote a blog about how great it was, so you can read it here if you'd like!
August was a good month because I was finally settling in my job at LiNK, and still trying to enjoy my summer. But also because I was able to cross Goo Goo Dolls off of my "top bands I must see before I die" list. Thank you, Megan! It was such a good time. Switchfoot also opened up for them, so that was a plus. Such a good birthday present, probably one of the best.

September was busy, busy but also filled with several amazing memories. There are three that I would like to point out! First, I got another tattoo. I had been waiting on getting this piece for a year, and I was so stoked to return to Turbo to have him continue more work on me. Second, I had the honor of being in one of my best guy friend's wedding. The best part about it was I was a "groom woman". It was such a beautiful wedding, for such an amazing couple. Logan is like a brother to me, and Ilaya, his bride, is an amazing woman. It was a night filled with dancing, laughing, more dancing and great friends. Pure bliss. And finally, the Fall 2010 Tour launch! This was a milestone in my career as an RM for LiNK. My co-worker, Leah, and I had worked so hard on training and getting these nomads out and ready for this ten week tour. To see them take off in four separate vans, all across the country, was just a beautiful thing. I admire our nomads so much.

October was the first (of many to come) Ladies Night! It's a night filled with lots of radical ladies, who get dolled up, and go out for the night. I love these girls, and I am looking forward to many more Ladies Nights in 2011!

November was a special month, because a lot of our friends gathered together to support our dear friend, Alex. She had been preparing for several months to go on a missions trip to India through our church, Rock Harbor Fullerton. I can't even begin to explain how proud I am of Alex. She has such a beautiful soul, and worked SO hard just to make this missions trip even possible. To help Al raise the rest of the money needed, we put a benefit show together. I was honored to perform that night alongside many of my friends. So much love, and support in one room. Beautiful.

December snuck up on me so quickly. To be honest, I wasn't too upset about that. I have been looking forward to 2010 ending ever since it began. Not really, but kind of. Anyways! December was a great month. I spent about a week of it on vacation, and just hanging out with friends and family. The Fall 2010 Tour ended, and it was very successful. The most inspiring result was the fact that our nomads were able to raise enough money in donations to rescue 16 North Korean refugees. So humbled, and so proud.

To conclude December, as well as 2010, my friends (Becky, Jon and Megan) made a last minute trip to Las Vegas to spend a few days with some crazy, great people: The Bundras. They are twins, they have accents, and they have huge hearts. We love them, and we were stoked to be welcomed into their home for the second time this year. Many memories were had as a result to those few days, as well as new friendships. (Josh is missing in this picture because he had to work).

That is all! Thanks for reading! 2010 wasn't all that bad when I reflect on some amazing memories. Here's to 2011, and many more great memories and friendships. I will post soon about my goals for 2011, not resolutions, but goals.
Thanks to all who were a part of my life and my journey this last year. The good, the bad, the ugly. I am beyond blessed for the people in my life.
I loved reading about your year. You my dear, have a very wonderful life. Continue on that path.